April 24 to 30th we celebrate National Volunteer Week. We want to acknowledge all the Volunteers across the North Shore who are at the heart of what makes the North Shore Community great.
The theme for Volunteer Week 2022, is Empathy in Action, which perfectly captures what we have seen over the past year as through pandemic life, heat domes, and events that threaten to tear the fabric of our community were meet every time with an army of volunteers raising their hands to serve.
We continue to grow and develop new opportunities for volunteers and our the Volunteer North Shore program housed at North Shore Community Resources launched our new database directing those in our community to all kinds of possibilities and opportunities to volunteer. Check out what interests you.
Watch out in the coming weeks for our Volunteer North Shore tribute in the North Shore news from organizations across the North Shore.
As well we will be revealing the names and stories of 9 amazing individuals and one group of volunteers who are this year’s recipients of the Volunteer North Shore Community Spirit Awards!
Volunteers are at the heart of what North Shore Community Resources is all about. On behalf of our whole team on the occasion of National Volunteer Week 2022 we celebrate each of you and want to express our deep gratitude for all that you do.
Sue Carabetta
Manager of Community Engagement and Seniors Programs, NSCR